Bringing Open, Honest, and Accountable Government to Town Hall!
Audrey Brown on the Issues!
I will fight against no-bid government contracts!
The Clerk oversees township purchasing processes. Macomb County residents have experienced massive local government corruption, as the many federal convictions have proven. I will ensure that government contracts are advertised on statewide purchasing networks to attract as many bidders as possible. Bid specifications will be applied fairly and equitably, ensuring all bidders can bid based on their merit and the price of their proposals. Sealed bids will be opened publicly and announced openly so taxpayers and bidders may feel confident that no backroom bid manipulation occurs. I believe that all board members should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that they might have before voting for a contract. I will make sure your tax dollars are spent openly and accountably.
You deserve a transparent township government!
The Clerk serves as the designated Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) coordinator for Washington Township government. Since taxpayers fund the creation of public documents, they deserve access to that information. When I’m your next Township Clerk, you will receive transparent government with quick responses to FOIA requests. I will disclose ALL the information required under the law and work to post many documents online, eliminating the need to file a request. I think the best way to combat the extensive local government corruption experienced in Macomb County is to operate openly, honestly, and accountably.
Not wasting your tax dollars!
Many people don’t know that the clerk is responsible for many of the business transactions in township government. I will bring my years of experience as a small business owner to ensure each tax dollar is spent with the greatest care. I understand the need to be frugal with my money and will be doubly so with yours.
Supporting our Fire Department and Advanced Life Support units!
I will fully support our Washington Township Fire Department and its Advanced Life Support (ALS) units. My elderly mom lives in Washington Township, and the ALS medics have saved her life on more than one occasion. Knowing that a team of lifesavers is a phone call away gives our residents peace of mind, making this a better place to live.
Reasonable development consistent with the master plan
I support reasonable development in our community. We need to ensure that residential growth is consistent with the township’s master plan while ensuring that residents have access to retail shops, medical offices, and restaurants that enhance our quality of life. I will work with planners to ensure that we maintain the peaceful community we love while balancing the need for proper growth and development.
Your vote will always be accurately counted!
As your next Washington Township Clerk, I will prioritize the integrity of the election process. Voters deserve to have their votes fairly and accurately counted. I will ensure that all poll workers are properly trained in procedures before each election. I will conduct an accuracy test on each voting machine before every election and invite the public to witness the test, demonstrating that our voting process is open, honest, and accountable.
I will block any effort to “Defund the Police!”
Left-wing extremists have been actively attempting to diminish or eliminate the police in our country. This dangerous movement has harmed the morale of those sworn to protect us and severely impaired the recruitment efforts of new officers around the United States. We have seen “Defund the Police” protesters shut down traffic as close as 23 Mile Road and Van Dyke when they rioted against the Shelby Police Department a few years ago. As a law-abiding citizen and the mother of a law enforcement officer, I will NEVER allow these extremists to prevail in our community. The protection we receive from the Macomb County Sheriff’s Department is excellent, and I support the brave deputies on patrol 365/24/7. When you elect me to the Washington Township Board as your next clerk, I will always stand behind law enforcement, supporting any needed staffing and crime-fighting technology.
You will be treated respectfully and courteously at township hall!
Senior citizens have told of how certain elected officials on the township board disrespected them. I believe that all township officials and employees must treat our residents courteously and respectfully.
Opposing pay hikes for elected officials!
Certain board members gave themselves a significant pay raise after taking office. I oppose taxpayer abuse, particularly during these shaky economic times. Taxpayers burdened with ever-increasing grocery bills, utility bills, and an uncertain job market should not be forced to pay greedy politicians more.
Working with the Road Commission to improve our roads and bridges.
The Macomb County Road Commission maintains Washington Township’s roads and bridges. I will work closely with those county officials to ensure our community receives its fair share of road dollars, keeping our roads in good repair and improving roads and bridges.
Duties of the Washington Township Clerk
• Maintaining custody of all Township records
• Maintaining the Township's general ledger
• Preparing warrants for township checks
• Recording and maintaining Township meeting minutes
• Keeping the Township book of oaths
• Responsible for special meeting notices
• Publishing board meeting minutes
• Keeping voter registration file
• Conducting elections and is the Chief Election Officer of the Township
• Keeping Township ordinance book
• Preparing financial statements
• Delivering tax certificates to the Supervisor & County Clerk
• Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Coordinator
• Overseeing Township Cemeteries
• Preparation of requests for Class C liquor licenses
• Purchasing Office for the Township